
Click the link below to read the first 3 chapters of Pray Like Jesus by Pastor Mark and his oldest daughter, Ashley Chase. To purchase the full book, CLICK HERE.

Predestination Problems: Unfair? (Romans 9:14-29) Story #1 – kids birthday party & younger sibling – unjust/unfair/? Story #2 – test taking dishonesty in school – unjust/unfair/? = unjust/unfair something we rightly deserve is taken from us SALVATION? =Paul anticipates 5…

Predestination Problems: Unbiblical? (Romans 9:1-13) Some XN, some non XN. Why? Who chooses? Predestination             OT – plan, purpose, choose             NT – predestine, elect, choose, appointed ALL XN agree – a Christian is chosen by God & chooses God….

Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude Sermon Notes

Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude Sermon Notes

LINK TO PDF Para una clase completa sobre este tema, visite: Los verdaderos adoradores adorarán al Padre en espíritu y en verdad. El Padre busca personas que lo adoren de esa manera. JUAN 4:23 Como muchas personas en su…

Life in the Spirit: New Father Sermon Notes

Life in the Spirit: New Father Sermon Notes

Life in the Spirit: New Father Sermon Notes

As a non-Christian attending a State University, I was struck that no matter what class I took, the professor took issue with Christianity. This was true in areas such as history, sociology, gender studies, anthropology, and philosophy among others. In…

Win Your Marriage War Sermon Notes

LINK TO PDF Para una clase completa sobre este tema, visite: Cristo amó a la iglesia. Él entregó su vida por ella. EFESIOS 5:25 El día que Jesús murió, fue crucificado con otros dos hombres. Los tres sufrieron la…