
There are many major themes which help weave all of the Bible together. One of them includes significant meals in history which help us understand the role and importance of Christian communion. M e a l  1 :  F o…

As a young pastor, I will never forget the day that a new Christian approached me after church to complain. They could not understand why we had such a small snack and long lines to get it. What they were…

At church recently, a sincere young woman began chatting with me. She was struggling to know whether or not she was a Christian. She had asked various Christian friends who offered a variety of opinions which left her confused. One…

Are you more prone to think of Jesus as a man, or as God? Liberal and progressive Christians more easily see the fully humanity of Jesus Christ than His divinity. The result is that they can, tragically, see him as…

A new Christian recently explained to me that they were struggling mightily with the temptation do sin. This confused them, since they now belong to Jesus. So, we had a good conversation about what “the world” means in the Bible….

When is the last time that you were really tempted to sin? Did it feel like gravity was pulling you toward doing something that we wrong? Did it feel like Paul’s words in Romans 7:15-20: For I do not understand…

“But I have this against you, that you tolerate . . .” –Jesus Christ, in Revelation 2:20 We live in a culture that loves tolerance. We’re told that we should equally value value and affirm all lifestyles. That is, of course,…

Have you been set free? Do you know Jesus? Have you given him your sin? Is he your Passover Lamb? Is he your Exodus? Is he your God? If not, what is stopping you from giving yourself to Jesus now?…

Reflecting on the law, Paul wrote, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). The principle is clear: Don’t stick your head through the yoke and…

So, who’s your God? You might say, “It’s Jesus.” The people of Israel would have said, “It’s Yahweh.” Same God. But there could be a difference between the God you confess and the god that you actually worship. These false…

In the days of Moses, people in the world worshiped tons of gods. The Bible mentions all kinds of false gods and goddesses—including Asherah (Deuteronomy 16:21; 1 Kings 18:19), Baal (Numbers 25:3; Judges 6:28), Molech (Leviticus 18:21; Jeremiah 32:35), and…

After introducing himself as “the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (Exodus 20:2), God gave the people of Israel the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods…