
Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, said, “For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19). As we look at the story of the Israelites receiving the Ten Commandments, some people might say, “This is an interesting…

So how should we interpret and study the law? Jesus said, “Everything written about me in the Law of Moses . . . must be fulfilled” (Luke 24:44). And, “The law is about me.” The Old Testament is about Jesus. The New…

I have five kids. I love them will all my heart and have learned some amazing lessons from being their dad. For example,  some years ago I was in the house studying when I heard the weirdest sound coming from…

Kids sometimes rebel and do foolish things. Rebellious kids—all kids—need laws to guide them and protect them. We might say something like this to our children: “Okay, sweetheart, you need to find clothes and wear them to elementary school. And…

A few million former slaves were set free from the Egyptians, but God’s people were still living as slaves to their sin: committing adultery, stealing from one another, coveting, and lying. They were not raising their children in the Lord….

Life Today recently interviewed Pastor Mark. Watch as Pastor Mark discusses his move to Phoenix, Arizona and God’s work in his families life as the plant The Trinity Church together.

God had sent Moses to Pharaoh to demand that he let God’s people go so they would be free to worship God. Moses warned Pharaoh that if he would not let God’s people go, God would send punishment in the…

“You shall have no other gods before me.” –The First Commandment (Exodus 20:3) As the collective memory of Christian heritage and biblical knowledge grow fainter in the mind of Western civilization, the Ten Commandments remain strangely familiar and relevant, albeit…

This is the final part in a series on how the Bible is all about Jesus. In the Old Testament we learn about Jesus through like service, where someone does something that Jesus does greater and better. Let’s make a…

This is the fifth part in the series on the ways we see how the Bible is all about Jesus—even and especially the Old Testament. In the Old Testament we see Jesus through types, where somebody does something that’s a…

This is the fourth part in a series on how the Bible is all about Jesus. Jesus as the eternally existing Son of God, the second member of the Trinity, is demonstrated through his various cameo appearances throughout the Old…

This is the third part in a series on how the Bible is all about Jesus. Wouldn’t it be great to know the future? From investments, to sports competitions, to whom you’re going to marry and how long you’re going…