
This is the second part in a series on how the Bible is all about Jesus Last week we talked about how we see Jesus in the Old Testament through events. Another way we learn about Jesus in the Old…

This is the first part in a series on how the Bible is all about Jesus. One way the Old Testament teaches us about Jesus is through events. Looking back upon the various events and festivals in the Old Testament…

In the early morning hours one Easter, 12 young runaway nuns climbed into empty fish barrels and were smuggled out of their convent. Their unlikely hero was a renegade monk they had written to, imploring him to rescue them so…

Valentine’s Day is often loved by women and loathed by men, who drop their cash on flowers, jewelry, candy, and cards. Perhaps comic Jay Leno expressed the male dilemma about Valentine’s Day best in one of his monologues: “Today is…

As the father of a daughter in college, I have entered into that season of life where young single women ask me a lot of dad-esque questions. Many of those questions revolve around guys they are interested in. The following…

There’s not a crevice in your heart or a single detail of your past that God can’t redeem for your good. And when God heals your hurts, the benefits impact every aspect of your life. In the video above, my wife,…

Over lunch not long ago with a group of single men, they began asking what they should be praying for and looking for in a possible wife. Over the course of our meal, much of our discussion focused on the…

The key to having a good fight that ends in reconciliation rather than a bad fight that ends in bitterness is to learn to fight as friends and not enemies. The following rules of engagement are offered to help you…

Fortunately, the wife who had racked up secret debt confessed the whole truth to her husband and—as an act of repentance—cut up the credit card, never to repeat that sin again. And he forgave her. He communicated his appreciation that…

Friendship is an integral part of a truly Christian marriage and a safeguard against emotional adultery. In our years together we have seen many couples, including pastors and their wives, commit emotional adultery. Emotional adultery is having as your close…

As I share above, my heart is to help you grow in God’s Word. And in 2017 I hope, trust, and pray that we can put a small mountain of Bible teaching and biblical resources into your hands! If you’re…

“Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.” –Ephesians 4:26 Some Christians seem to think that there are godly and ungodly emotions. Subsequently, they see all anger as sinful. But, not all…