
Read the Bible Pray Get involved in a healthy church. Join a small group. Sing worship songs. Read Christian books. Share Jesus with non-Christians. Give financially. Serve others. Learn to forgive. Be open to changing however God asks you. Journal…

Imagine you were in a coma and awoke after many years. What’s the first thing you would do? Whatever that thing is, it would reveal your passions, your pleasures, and your priorities. If you picked up the phone and called…

Give them a gift. Pray with them. Find ways to practically serve them. Look for ways to encourage them. Forgive them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Tell them you love them. Be considerate of them. Ask them how…

“I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.” Revelation 3:1 Jesus didn’t have anything nice to say to the church in Sardis. Then again, why should he? It wasn’t really even a church any…

On Sundays, before they preach, just go up and pray for them. Thank them for the things you appreciate about them. Send a thank you card to their spouse listing reasons you appreciate them. Send thank you cards to their…

“The only paradise is paradise lost.” –Marcel Proust School is finally out, the sun is up, and many of us are preoccupied with planning the perfect summer. These plans include fairs, festivals, parades, concerts, parties, cultural celebrations, and desperately needed…

Even though I’m out of town on vacation with our family and largely offline, news of the horrific attack in Orlando got to us quickly. Seemingly everyone we encountered was checking the latest news updates, and processing how they were…

Find books and topics that you are genuinely interested in. Always have a book nearby so that you can spend the time breaks that come throughout the day to read a bit at a time. Use a pen, highlighter, or…

Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” – Luke 14:26 The Bible…

Take a vacation. Have a plan. Let the entire family know what vacation will be so that they can look forward to it. Don’t make the plan too detailed or rigid. Ask every family member what they would like to…

Matthew 7:22–23 On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?” And then will I declare to…

Pray for your friend every day and let them know you are praying. Ask your friend how you can be a better friend. Check in regularly to see how your friend is doing. Send encouraging Scriptures to your friend in…