
Testimony vs Biography Testimony (I need a dating and a wedding photo from Grace and I) Remember/Remind over 250X ESV Psalm 111 was recited in worship services of God’s people Read from Bible Grace gave me July 9, 2014 “Pastor…

Genesis #32. Final sermon this series.          4 study guides free Realfaith.comGenesis part 4 Joseph series in audio all.     365 devo commentary coming Blessing & Cursing in Genesis God speaks blessing – “God said” & “God blessed them” 400X…

Here at RealFaith we’re wrapping up our study of the book of Genesis, which has taken almost a year to unpack. It’s been full of lessons of the repeated failure of humanity, God’s faithfulness despite our errors, and His desire…

En el principio: Un estudio en Génesis (Volumen 4) está basado en la cuarta y final parte de la serie de sermones del Pastor Mark en Génesis que abarcará desde el capítulo 37 al 50. Se centra en la historia…

Possibly my least favorite chapter in the Bible to teach. ? I threw up after teaching it PRAY Evil Men Genesis 34:1-2 Now Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she had borne to Jacob, went out to see the women…

Battle from the womb Parents played favorites Both bad guys – con man vs murderous polygamist 20 years later Jacob toughens up, hears from God, heads home = Jacob’s prayer answered Gen. 32:9-12 Faith Genesis 33:1-3 And Jacob lifted up…

Principles apply to any relationship, case study 2 bro’s 2 bro’s battle from womb all of life Esau – 1. Toxic relationship 2. Murderous spirit Jacob – 20 yrs under Laban = God said 1. Go from Laban 2. Go…

En el principio: Un estudio en Génesis Volumen 3 está basado en la tercera parte de la serie de sermones del Pastor Mark en Génesis que abarcará desde el capítulo 27 al 36. Esta guía de estudio incluye una lección…

Family? – tolerate. Jacob 1). Bad guy (birthr/blessing) 2). Bad parents 3). Bad marriages 4). Bad father-in-law 14 years to get wives. 20 years now working like a slave for Father-In-Law 1 daughter; 11 sons (Benjamin #12 coming 35:16-18) 3…

WORD: Genesis 1-2: marriage 1 man & 1 woman; Covenant & Consummation WORLD:1). Sex/gender 2). Marriage 1 man/woman 3). ? Poly 4). ? Age consent (drag, sex ed) POLYGAMY: (=prophetic word) A). Polygyny – 1 man +women                                  = Bachelor…

I’ve been reading all types of books this summer and wanted to encourage you ladies to keep growing and learning through God’s word and godly authors. There are so many books but not all are helpful or Biblically based. I’m…

Gary Thomas’ book “When to Walk Away” Some relationships are like a bucket w/no bottom You are not helping them. They are hurting you. Make life “hell” – gossip, slander, betrayal, attack, control = ruin life Fear of man (Pr….