
Go to church. If possible, read and consider the Scriptures for the sermon before you arrive. Pray for your pastor, the sermon, and your listening on the way to church. While sitting in the church, invite the Holy Spirit to…

Are You Apostate? He had worked at a church, knew the Bible, and professed faith in Christ for years. Then one day, he decided to no longer be connected to any church, submit to anything in the Bible, or practice…

What Happens to People Who Have Never Heard About Jesus? There is no simple, single, widely agreed upon answer to this question within Christianity. Everyone would make a good argument for the positions they hold, and most, if not all,…

ST. PATRICK: ONE OF THE GREATEST MISSIONARIES WHO EVER LIVED I am a servant of Christ to a foreign nation for the unspeakable glory of life everlasting which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. –Patrick My family name was originally…

Religious Views of Humanity Mark Driscoll Our youngest daughter is studying various world religions in school. This has lead to some helpful and insightful conversations at our home. One point of discussion we have had centers on the differing ways…

Understanding Islam Part 3: Agreements and Disagreements Mark Driscoll In this blog series I am posting work done by researchers for another project I was working on a few years ago. My hope is to help provide some understanding of…

Understanding Islam Part 2: View of Jesus Mark Driscoll In this blog series I am posting work done by researchers for another project I was working on a few years ago. My hope is to help provide some understanding of…

Understanding Islam Part 1: History Mark Driscoll There is a growing interest in the beliefs of Islam fueled in large part by various media stories that mention the religion. Some years ago I had a research team put together a…

Check out this week’s video update from Pastor Mark and Grace. Last week, we began re-releasing “1 Corinthians: Good News for Bad Christians,” a 33 part series from Pastor Mark. Check out the sermon archive or subscribe to the podcast to hear Pastor Mark…

An Excellent Wife Grace Driscoll “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not…

VALENTINE’S DAY Mark Driscoll Valentine’s Day is often loved by women and loathed by men, who drop their cash on flowers, jewelry, candy, and cards. Perhaps comic Jay Leno expressed the male dilemma about Valentine’s Day best in one of…

“1 Corinthians: Good News for Bad Christians” is back! Today we’ll start re-releasing the 1 Corinthians sermon series, a 33 part series from Pastor Mark. Check out the sermon archive or subscribe to the podcast to hear Pastor Mark teach on…