
A Quick Word from Pastor Mark: Our oldest daughter, Ashley, is an eighteen-year-old young woman who we are very blessed to have in our life. Every week she sends us an email about what she is learning. In one recent…

Meaningless Life? [Part 15]  Good News for Losers: Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:7 (Click Here for Audio) Winning. Winning is a tremendous motivation. The hope of winning causes us to press forward and give our all. And, we are told as kids that if we…

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…” Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are…

What Is the Central Message of the Old Testament? Part 6 of 6 Answering Big Questions About the Old Testament We will now explore how the Old Testament is to be rightly understood in light of its central message. The…

Thank you to everyone who supports this ministry with prayer, giving, and encouragement. As we continue to increase the ways to get Jesus-centered Bible teaching out, I wanted to make you aware of what is coming next. The plan at…

Meaningless Life? [Part 14]  Enjoy Your Wife: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 (Click Here for Audio)             One day we all die, or as they say, kick the proverbial bucket. Knowing we will die, there is a general consensus that life has enough misery and…

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…” Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are…

Canonization is the process by which some books were included in the Old Testament while others were excluded. Canon is a word meaning “a measuring rod.” The canon is the standard that all scriptural books must meet. The books of…

12 Honors for Fathers of Daughters Along with meeting Jesus and having a wife, there is nothing that changes a man for the better more than having a daughter. Life is filled with many gifts, and a daughter is a…

Meaningless Life? [Part 13] Tug of War: Ecclesiastes 8:2-17 (Click Here for Audio) Did you play tug of war when you were a kid? When we played at my school they would tie a red bandana in the middle of the rope…

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…” Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are…

Jesus summarized the Old Testament Scripture as existing in three parts: the Law, Prophets, and Psalms.51 He accepted the Old Testament canon as it exists today without any modifications and came to fulfill it.52 As a rabbi, or preacher and…