
Focus is on the WHO & we can miss the WHAT Melchizedek is a leader and shares qualities with Jesus the perfect man/leader Men as Prophets, Priests, and Kings Genesis 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine….

Battles & Blessings – 2 train tracks analogy?? Battles Genesis 14:1–24 In the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim, 2 these kings made war with Bera king of…

95 Theses door @ Wittenberg Repentance vs Tolerance We should only trust people humble enough to be honest & open to change As Head, Abraham’s Sin Affected His Whole Household Genesis 12:10-13,17 Now there was a famine in the land. So…

As we approach the “spring cleaning” and Easter season, I was thinking about how to “clean out” my heart and mind for Easter.  It’s easy to get so busy with getting the house and food ready that we can miss getting…

Faith (internal conviction & external action) Critics/Enemies see 2 kinds believers 1. Perfect 2. Hypocrites Bible – shows gap between 1. New &            2. Perfect        = work in progress Faith is something you grow in (e.g. musical instrument,…

Genesis 22:32 Jesus said, “‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’” 3 generations here Genesis – blessing & cursing theme Jonathan Edwards – prayed for 5 generations daily             =1 U.S….

=Adam & son Seth (1-5)– Noah & son Shem (6-10) – Abraham & son Isaac (11-25) Short list most impactful people in history Abram (exalted father)/Abraham (father of a multitude) – painful name Sarai “princess” – beautiful & barren New…

When we see someone successful = get discouraged until we look at where they started. God delivered Abram from a bad father Genesis 11:28 Haran died in the presence of his father Terah in the land of his kindred, in…

Todo lo que Dios crea, Satanás lo falsifica. La falsificación de la teología cristiana es la teoría crítica. Como un virus espiritual que se propaga mucho más rápido que un virus físico, la teoría crítica ha infectado y afectado al…

=Genesis = book of beginnings How did we get nations? Nation = a group of people w/            A. Borders       B. Culture        C. Leader UN recognizes 193 nations #2. Why are there so many languages? Around 7k known…

In a film, when the camera slows & closes in the scene is important Genesis 5 – all men named over 1656 years Genesis 6-9 – 1 man, Noah A Storm is Coming, Your Family Needs You To Build An…

Bible – it is true, and truer than true because the HS studies you while you study it -History – God’s BIG story of which our life story is a little part of the big story -Ideologies/Agendas have their own…