
Internal vs External threats to church health Greatest threat health/unity = internal, not external War in Heaven (Satan/demons). Jesus team (Judas). Nehemiah 5 It’s godly vs ungodly, not rich vs poor (Nehemiah 5) Marxism/Socialism/Communism Atheistic – no concept of original…

Section 1 – Background/Introduction Personal – grew up in ministry, baseball, meeting Chloe, marriage, student director Trinity Students – weekly, disciple gen z, growing, 20 baptisms, winter camp sponsor Section 2 – Overview 1 Corinthians looks a lot like Gen…

Esta guía de estudio sigue la serie de 13 semanas del Pastor Mark a través del libro de Nehemías, que destaca la idea de Cristo vs. la cultura y la colisión entre Dios y el gobierno. Reedificando el hogar: Un…

JESUS said “I will build my church” We join him. In the end it’s all worth it – revival (gov’t, $, culture) Have nothing.              2. Say nothing.                        3. Do nothing.CONVERSATION: ? Want to never being maligned & attacked…

?Your Jobs?: lawns, 7-11, longshore, hotels, newspapers, churches, ministries, writing/spkng = Your view of God determines your view of everyone/everything else Marxist Atheism – no God, utopia = we make our own heaven, hardship/struggle is because of oppression/injustice, & gov’t…

Some Bible commentators skip chapter (too boring) 2 Tim 3:16–17 All Scripture is breathed out by God & profitable for teaching …reproof …correction…(&) training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 38…

“En el principio: Un estudio en Génesis (Volumen 2)” sirve para complementar la segunda parte de la serie de sermones del pastor Mark sobre Génesis, abarcando  los capítulos 15-26. Esta guía de estudio incluye preguntas de reflexión para aplicar de…

-1 Ki. 3 – God granted Solomon 1 wish = asked for wisdom -God so pleased gave it, along with long life, honor, incredible wealth THESIS: Men, especially young men, have more information/education & less wisdom = Unprepared. Uncertain. Unskilled….

Big decision?                          Season?                                  Pivot? = Early marriage – A. Grace prayed   B. I planned =Like a left & right foot in walk w/God Nehemiah case study prayer planning 141 years city in ruins (Jerusalem) & church/temple destroyed Prayer:…

-Like Father, like son  -What is true with our physical fathers is true with our spiritual father  God and Satan are Fathers with Sons 1 John 3:10 it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the…

Pew Research – Christianity is in decline, Nones doubled recent decades Widespread woke apostasy (gov’t replacing God as our hope for heaven on earth) National gov’t not favorable to God’s people living in obedience to Him Some states/cities increasingly hostile…

We build men up to bless women and children. Live @ Trinity Church – one place cannot be banned. PRAY Global: What is a woman documentary Matt Walsh??? What is a man?? Personal: Pastor friend kindergarten dad rainbow spectrum…