
-30’s @ Sport Clips (vs my 12 yr old son) – style, pay, gel The Well Genesis 29: 1-3 Then Jacob went on his journey and came to the land of the people of the east.  As he looked, he saw…

Proverbs 24:1-3, 5-7 Be not envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them, for their hearts devise violence, and their lips talk of trouble…A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might,…

Lenses (events happen, our lenses frame our interpretation) 4 Lenses for Life Atheism – there is no God and all that we have is a material universe Panentheism –no personal God, impersonal force (Star Wars, NA, Avatar, Wicca, Rad Env)…

This is an excerpt from the new book “Abort Abortion”, which you can find as a free digital download HERE or get a physical copy of for your gift of any amount through the end of July HERE. Romans 8:1 (NLT) – So…

At our church every summer we have a very special event called Soul Pampering, and I’d love to encourage women to do this on their own at home or in a place without distractions.  We set up spaces and had over…

·       Our big mistakes early in ministry in treating everyone like family/friends   Personal Relationships– two-way friendship Proverbs 12:26 The godly give good advice to their friends…   Pastoral Relationships– one-way relational mentorship Proverbs 1:5 A wise person will hear and increase…

Gen 1-2 vs 3: Fall – families affected first (Adam/Eve) & (Cain/Abel) We live w/the pain but don’t understand the problem =We seek answers Internally (mind, emotions, gut, passions) Externally (philosopher, counselor, politician, parent, guru) People less & less likely…

I felt compelled to jump ahead last Real Men & did not know why Leaked document in process from Supreme Court AZ state triggers pro-life CA – discussing cementing into state constitution 62 million under Roe v Wade will go…

Our early years of ministry & a few thousand people in our home Longer you live, more jobs/cities/churches, larger your family becomes, more you get connected (e.g. church, kids school, community) = more relationships Introverts and some jobs create way…

Single Headship, Plural Leadership (Trinity; male/female image/likeness) Adam & Eve; Noah & wife; Abraham & Sarah; Isaac & Rebekah 1).Bad things happen when a man Couple ignores God’s will (Adam/Eve; Ab & Sarah Egypt, lie 2X) Man is passive (Adam;…

As a pastor’s wife, I have listened to and cried with many women as they were grieving and going through the healing process after having an abortion. Today is a historic day in protecting pre-born children as well as pregnant…

Discuss all of our past, present, future sources for relationships #1. The law of hospitality Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly… friendly toward all, friends few (Mary, Martha, Lazarus) Kids liked Jesus & ran to him Lost…